
Coffee, Teach, Coach, Repeat



Today I Failed as a Mom

That's right. You read the title correctly. I failed today as a mom. If I were a celebrity, I'd be eaten alive by mom shamers and haters alike. The truth is, I think I fail as a mom more often... Continue Reading →

The Nights Were Long

Dear Clayton, The nights were long but the year was oh so short. You’re a whole year old now and I just can’t seem to wrap my head around that. I still remember finding out you were inside my belly... Continue Reading →

A Year Without Sandy: Opening Up About Losing Our Anchor

About a year ago, our world flipped upside down. We lost my dear Mother in Law, Sandy. Needless to say, it's been a long year full of the highest highs and some of the lowest lows we've encountered as a... Continue Reading →

8 Things Your Teacher Ed Program Forgot To Mention

It's that time of year again! It's back to school time and for many parents that's a sigh of relief. For teachers, it's a bittersweet mix of "was my summer like 5 minutes long or...?" And "New year. New me.".... Continue Reading →

An Open Letter To The Uncoachable Kid In Our Gym…

Dear Uncoachable Player, It's that time of year again, the time where the rubber meets the road and the truly dedicated players rise to the occasion. What occasion you may ask? Summer training. For most sports "Summer Training" is extra... Continue Reading →

Why Aren’t We Talking To Our Youth About Mental Health?

I mean really talking about it. Barebones, no sugar coating.  Sunday morning while feeding Clay I was scrolling though my various social media pages and noticed some somber tweets from my students and players. I immediately investigated and found that... Continue Reading →

(Not Everyone’s) Mother’s Day

What a beautiful and meaningful day. Mother's Day. For most people, including myself, Mother's Day is filled with family, a good meal and lot's of love. For one day a year Facebook is filled with beautiful photos and tributes to... Continue Reading →

Gaining Perspective: My Chat With 4 New Moms

"Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary—it’s an act of infinite optimism." When I first learned I was pregnant I noticed something really peculiar. Maybe it was something that... Continue Reading →

Tackling The 5th Trimester

That's right, there's 5 trimesters in pregnancy. Obviously you've heard of trimesters 1-3, and most people have heard the latest research on the 4th, but I'm talking about the 5th... For those who don't know, the "4th trimester" is based... Continue Reading →

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