Hey everyone! 

First of all, Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I hope you found time with friends and family to celebrate this Great American Tradition! Personally, I’m not a huge NFL fan, but I do love a good gathering with friends and food! Hopefully your Super Bowl Parties aren’t overrun with political banter 😉 

I know it’s been over a month since a blogged, but with my Mother-In-Law’s passing, the Holidays and my baby shower, I haven’t had much spare time! Oh yeah and I’m now 36 weeks pregnant with (hopefully) less that 4 weeks until our rugrat arrives. 

This morning I found myself packing hospital bags and finalizing our baby boy’s nursery and thought it was a great time to share our our project. Before I go into detail about the design and everything that went into it, I’ll give a little nutshell of how it came about.

 **If you’re a Negative Nancy Mom who stands by the old, “you don’t need a nursery and that’s all a waste of money” mantra- sorry, there’s some things first time moms get to take part in no matter what you think- the nursery is one of those things. 🙂 If anything at all, it helps us feel good about the rollercoaster we’re boarding. 

First things first: A HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR PARENTS FOR HELPING MAKE THIS NURSERY POSSIBLE. Without the Peterson’s and my Mom’s help, we would have an empty room with a few essentials. We’re so grateful and lucky to have them helping us every step of the way. 

Another special note: before Sandy’s passing she was very involved in picking out and ordering things for our nursery. She loved every minute of it and so did we. These are some very special and cherished memories for us as she will not meet our son in person. 

Obviously when you learn your pregnant pretty much every possible thought floods your brain. Being a Pinterest fan myself, I had a few ideas for the nursery. The quickest thing I learned is that Pinterest Nursery’s can be very expensive and that’s just not something I’m into. So my first goal was to be a bargain shopper! My second goal was the keep it simple, elegant and fun. I look at some nurserys and feel overwhelmed, so I can’t imagine how the babe feels! My last goal, and possibly the most important, was that Chris, myself, and our loved ones had a special place to share and bond with our son. I hope you enjoy looking and reading all about our design! 

The Crib and Map:

First our crib; its Fisher Price and was suuuuuper reasonably priced at Target. It’s a 4-1 convertible, so it’s even better! I must say Chris did a fantastic job putting this thing together. We love it!

 Next, the map; our absolute FAVORITE piece in the room. Another Pinterest inspired find. I was having trouble locating exactly where to buy this thing or at least something similar. It’s the anchor to the room and the whole design is based around it. After a few days of looking I knew I needed to call in the expert- Sandy. I kid you not, drugged up and running on empty, she still found the EXACT piece from the Pinterest photo and had it ordered and shipping to our house within 20 minutes of me showing her. She was one hell of a shopper. The 6-piece canvas map is from Cost Plus World Market 🙂 

Last comes Linens! The quilt was purchased by my Aunt Stephanie from The Land of Nod, along with the bed skirt.   The crib sheet is purposely hidden from the camera because it’s a custom design with our son’s name on it. It’s pretty cool though, don’t worry you’ll see it soon enough. If you’re lucky enough to know his name, shh! We’re still keeping it a semi-secret for when he’s born. 

The Dresser/Changer:

Ahhhh this dresser. It’s perfect. I knew I wanted a pop of color in the room and that the dresser was a good option. After some sleuthing around antique stores, my mom went down to My Vintage Garage in San Dimas and purchased this, it had white paint with no hardware. That’s where Laura Cina comes in. She restores furniture and makes it absolutely gorgeous. We showed her some inspiration photos and she went above and beyond what we could have ever dreamed of. She even surprised us with a map detail inside of the drawers. This definitely isn’t something you can just find at Target or Babies R Us! 

The Reading and Nursing Nook:

Another super cute element we wanted in the room was a quaint nook for reading to the baby, nursing and rocking him. This part of the room took a bit of time to come together. 

The Rocker; personally I despise those traditional “gliders” you see in nurserys. Something about them is just so unappealing to me, I can’t really explain it. Obviously they’re very functional and necessary though, as they’re on every “Nursery Essentials” list. We found this rocker on Wayfair and love it. The blanket over the back of the chair is a gift from Sandy to the baby that she purchased before her passing. Needless to say it’s pretty special to us.

The bookshelf; Chris’ absolute favorite part of the room and a close second for me! Over my Winter Break from work I hit Hobby Lobby on a 50% off all decor week and let’s just say things got a little crazy. We knew we wanted lots of books in the room and that we would have lots of books after the shower, we just needed a good place to put them. After about 2 hours in Hobby Lobby and many back and fourth texts, pictures and phone calls, Chris and I settled on this piece and the big hooks to hang on the wall. Love it! Thank you to everyone who brought books to the shower, we can’t wait to share them with him. 

The Wall Collage: 

A little hint at that secret name 😉 This was also composed over phone, text and pictures from the Hobby Lobby sale! (Now you can see why I was there for 2 hours! Great finds!) Of course putting this collage together on the floor of Hobby Lobby is much easier than actually hanging it on the wall, so pat Chris on the back if you see him, this wasn’t as easy as it looks! 

So there you have it, our World Travel Themed Nursery. It was a blast to design and bring together, especially because of everyone involved; our parents, our friends and each other. We can’t wait to meet our Lil Wild Dude in the next month and we can’t wait for you all to see him. 

Sending much love from the Peterson house,